The Good Gals and Guys Win One for a Change!
There is NO DOUBT in my mind that the experiences that Representative Delisi's constituents have are contrary to the experiences of my constituents. My constituents are going to be harassed. Why? Because of their socio-economic status, the communities with which they live, and most obviously their ethnicity. I have seen all of this within my lifetime and want very much to make sure that my children, and my children's children, don't have to see what I have seen.
Representative Delisi never provided the members of the House with any statistics to validate her reason for bringing forth this particular piece of legislation. This bill took the Terry stop beyond what it was designed to do and is evidently unnecessary. We have a hard enough time trying to find enough policemen and policewomen in this state to take care of the SERIOUS crimes like domestic abuse, sexual assault, rape, robbery, and murder. Why are we wasting their time and our time with this?
It is evident by the final vote turnaround that many of the members of the House realized this very point. 23 YEAS - 116 NAYS
Thank you to all the members who stood up and helped educate some of the other members on the difference between our districts and theirs.